Festival Of Neggs Cheat
festival of neggs cheat

festival of neggs cheatfestival of neggs cheat

Oh and look for something that spins in a circular motion!Clue: The Space Faerie thinks she has won, but Sloth is always lurking. Where can you find a petpet with paper for feathers?Clue: The Creator will reward me greatly, he will see my devotion. If you missed a day of the event, you can go back to the links from the previous day(s) and collect your prize.Clue: Prepare for the negg hunt, this year is sure to be grand! Your first negg can be found at the most exclusive pool in all the land!Clue: For more neggs listen to this clue, find a hobby that will hook you!Clue: You are off to a good start! Now look for a sundae cart!Clue: If a negg hunter is what you wish to be, look for a place where patience is key!Clue: Seeking another negg stash? Perhaps you ought to take out the trash.Clue: Head to the desert and put on your boots, keep an eye out for spinning fruits.Clue: Someone has a sharp eye for neggs! Be on the look out for a buccaneer with three legs!Clue: You've find so many neggs, and all on your own! Now search for a colossal Techo made of stone.Clue: Take a moment to think of what you have worn, then find the store run by a Neopet with one horn.Clue: Oh searching for neggs is such a joy! Now keep an eye out for an abandoned toy.Location: The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of ProsperityClue: What's that, do you smell something tasty? Follow your nose to the place of pastry.Clue: You are almost there, but your negg basket is not quite full! So seek out the lever that one should never pull.Clue: So close now, just hold it together. There is a daily tracker for this event which increases by one each day you participate. Each negg has different prizes. In turn, Kari will offer you one of three neggs.

...festival of neggs cheat

Festival Of Neggs Cheat Free Time Under

There is certainly something off about our Cybunny friend.""Dr Neggistential! What a pleasure it is to see you again. Is it just me or is Topsi acting strange? Or at least stranger than usual?""Your instincts are not wrong my friend. Now run along and start hiding those neggs!""Yeesh. And don't forget about the clues!""Oh, I had a lot of free time under the falls so I've been thinking of hiding spots and clues all year! Not much else to do under there.""But don't you worry, I'll do such a great job the Space Faerie will be sure to come!""Uh sure, maybe she will.

festival of neggs cheat